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Baby Annabell Active Cocoon Carrier


Baby Annabell Active Cocoon Carrier


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  • What a snugly, stylish way for Baby Annabell to travel!
  • Pink carrying belt and cushioned waist straps can adjust to fit little ones of all sizes.
  • Designed for easy carrying on child’s front or back.
  • Comes in 100% plastic free and fully recyclable, fuss-free packaging.
  • Easy to put on.
  • To fit dolls up to 43cm.
  • Suitable for children aged 3+.
  • Doll not included.
  • Item no: 710463


Baby Annabell wants to discover the whole wide world and she can do just that in her Cocoon Carrier.

To be worn either on your child’s back or at the front on their chest, so Baby Annabell can either look out and watch what is going on in front of her, or is turned towards mummy and daddy and can cuddle with them. Littles ones can simply pop Baby Annabell into the Carrier, clip together the adjustable straps and off they go!

Whether it’s a trip to the park, an outing to the shops or even just an explore around the home it’s the perfect accessory for any Baby Annabell fan!

With a cute Owl design and sheep design on the front, they’re having a lovely hug, just like you and your Baby Annabell!

Fits Baby Annabell dolls upto 43cm, doll not included

Suitable for children aged 3+ years

Baby Annabell Active Cocoon Carrier
